Monday, April 21, 2008


First, a small review.

We finally watched Michael Clayton last night. I'm not sure why it took us so long, but it's sat atop our TV for about a month, waiting to be viewed. I have to say, I really liked it. It's a really well crafted movie. I have always had a bit of a crush on George Clooney, but outside of that, you have to admit, he's a great actor. The movie has a little bit of language, thanks to Tom Wilkinson's character, but holy cow, he's amazing. You've never seen anything like this out of him. . . SO deserved his nominations. . .

And on a completely unrelated note. . .

I happened upon a blog post about motherhood earlier, and though I'm not always a link clicker, I decided to follow this one. . . it's really great and funny in a sweet sort of way. I tried to find it on YouTube or download the version I'm linking to, but it didn't work, for some reason. . .

It's worth watching/listening to, though.

Click to it

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